Ai amiga ficou tão legal seu vídeo, adorei! Cada produtinho maravilhoso hein!Vamos conversar mais sobre aquele assunto, já tive algumas outras idéias aqui! Bjs miga!
i am a new fashion blogger from indonesia living in singapore :) i really like your blog. i will really appreciate & it will be an honor to have u as my blog member.
and of course i will folback! also, u can mention me anytime on twitter @tiodang if you want me to check out your latest post & leave a comment ^^ ,please list me on twitter, so i will know u're my follower!! ;)
i've just recommend your post to google!u can check it! that's what u got if you keep in touch with my blog too!! hope u will do the same ^^ u can contact me at :
Sou Thalissa Domingos Tomic, o Domingos e da minha mommy e o Tomic e do meu pai. Nasci em Sao Paulo Brasil atualmente moro em NY. Tenho 24 anos, sou estudante de moda. Criei esse blog para compartilhar minha vida com as minhas amigas virtuais !
4 comentários:
Boa noite!! esse da Olay é tenho tb!! beijos e boa semana!!
Ai amiga ficou tão legal seu vídeo, adorei! Cada produtinho maravilhoso hein!Vamos conversar mais sobre aquele assunto, já tive algumas outras idéias aqui! Bjs miga!
Kathy! flor, o da olay e otimo to amando!! otima semana bjs
Paulinha,obrigada obrigada amiga!!temos sim entra no msn mais tarde !!!
i am a new fashion blogger from indonesia living in singapore :) i really like your blog. i will really appreciate & it will be an honor to have u as my blog member.
also, u can mention me anytime on twitter @tiodang if you want me to check out your latest post & leave a comment ^^ ,please list me on twitter, so i will know u're my follower!! ;)
and of course i will folback!
i've just recommend your post to google!u can check it! that's what u got if you keep in touch with my blog too!! hope u will do the same ^^
u can contact me at :
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